tyler & the chuas

i was down in LA a month back to watch the lakers pretty much obliterate the kings to end their 4 game losing streak. during that weekend, we also watched a street parade, hanged out with new found friends and gorged on food.

and, took some family pics as well.

this is when i met tyler for the first time. he called out tito ben before i took a step inside the chuas’ home. typically with kids, they would call me… well, they wouldn’t call me anything. actually, they ignore me. 🙁 with tyler though, we hit it off with a fist bump. he thinks i’m a stud and the feeling’s clearly reciprocated. haha!

to the chuas, it’s been a pleasure. your hospitality, overwhelming.

baby kali, mom + dad

hey kiddies, what’s goin on? you know how it goes, the real world gets a bit crazy and usually the blog world takes a back seat, but we’re back. so, did you guys behave while i was gone? =)

so on tap, we have baby kali. good thing i was holding on to my camera all the time, or else i don’t know what i could’ve done to this baby. my guess is, he’ll be all bruised up from all the squeezies and pinchy-pinchies he’ll be getting from me. ha!

thanks mom and dad for having us over and the warm hospitality we’ve received. also thanks again shimster for doing baby talk and assisting.

kali’s reaction after i showed him pics on the back of my camera

same effect you get when you wear your mom’s stockings over your head and pulllll!