habitat for humanity | project playhouse

once again, yours truly was commissioned to document a day of volunteer work at the habitat for humanity by a small group of employees from sandisk (a flash memory storage solution company). the goal was to build playhouses for kids… and build they did.

almost there, just doing final quality control.

the first family who saw their playhouse.

the team

and the best part of owning this playhouse…

2 thoughts on “habitat for humanity | project playhouse

  1. ben says:

    hey nancy! appreciate the kinds words. keep on keeping on as well and all that good stuff. 🙂

  2. Hi! Found your site when looking up Habitat For Humanity play houses to show my daughter… We are picking one up today for her. I loved your photos above and peeped your site further. You are so talented! The message to your Mom below is so incredibly sweet and loving. She sounds like an amazing lady. I hope my son things the same about me one day. Then I will know I did a good job at this mom thing.

    That is all. Keep on keeping on and all that jazz.

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